Posted by New Shelves on March 29, 2021
Amazon Changing File Requirements for KDP Ebooks

Many of you have recently received emails from Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) announcing that Amazon is changing file requirements for KDP ebooks. As often happens with change, there is some confusion about how this will change how authors and publishers … Read More

By Shelley Sturgeon on March 25, 2021
77 Free Images Sites

Authors use images when promoting their books,right? But, some stock image sites charge $$$. Today, I’d like to share with you my extensive list of FREE images sites. These images can potentially be used for book covers, social media and … Read More

When BookBub Doesn’t Bite
When BookBub Doesn’t Bite

(Originally published as Do This, Not That on What We Did We had a client, Anna, who wanted a BookBub featured deal. Badly. We applied to BookBub month after month, offering her $9.99 ebook, Eat Happy Too, to BookBub … Read More

By Randall McNair on March 18, 2021
Crowdfunding A Book

So you’ve written your masterpiece, edited it, and had a professional cover designed. You’re super stoked to share it with the world, but you’ve shot your wad getting it this far and you have no idea how you’re going to … Read More

By Amy Collins on March 11, 2021
Skip the Prologue

Do You Need a Prologue? No. Should You Write a Prologue? No. Is a Prologue Ever a Good Idea? It’s not. Why a Prologue Is a Bad Idea As a book distributor and marketer, I never truly gave prologues the … Read More

Originally posted on September 12, 2019 to the NSB blog
Your Spine Is Your Cover

Here’s one of the dirty little secrets in book publishing. Publishers spend countless hours and dollars working on their covers, but they often miss a critical point. With the exception of online retailers, your book spine is your cover. Brick … Read More

By Dr. Shira Shiloah on March 2, 2021
Six Tips for Writing Authentic Medical Scenes

“Everybody loves a thriller. Everyone also wants to write one, too,” wrote Donald Maass in The Breakout Novelist. Building tension, creating an unbelievable yet utterly believable plot, raising stakes, and creating authentic characters, are all tributes of a good thriller. … Read More

By New Shelves Books on March 1, 2021
Social Media for Authors

Social media can be a fantastic tool when it comes to connecting with your audience and drawing in new readers, but it can be a daunting task to figure out. It is tricky to find the balance between posting about … Read More

13 Questions to Ask When Designing a Book Cover

There’s this motivational quote that does rounds online: “The quality of your questions determines the quality of your life.” We can’t vouch for this statement, but we can assure you that the quality of your questions can affect the quality … Read More

By Ericka McIntyre on February 18, 2021
How and When to Work with Freelancers

By Ericka McIntyre on February 18, 2021 If you’re an author who intends to self-publish, first of all, congratulations! You’re entering the publishing game at an exciting time, and if you have completed a book manuscript, you have already done … Read More

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