I was inspired to begin a podcast while listening to authors on Free Advice Fridays with Keri Barnum talk about expanding our brands and outreach. Then, a special guest on Free Advice Fridays, Holly Shannon, touted the benefits of authors having podcasts. I was hooked.
Podcast Advantages
The advantages are numerous. Podcasts drive traffic to our websites, which is often difficult to accomplish with giveaways or blogs. Podcasts present their hosts as authorities. Remember the adage you cannot be an expert in your hometown? Well, podcasts send your message all over the world. Podcasts are personal chats, like having guests in your own home, and they create community. You can even repurpose your podcast transcripts to be your dreaded blog posts. The cost is relatively low to enter, and later when you build a wide audience, podcast ads and book sales can incentivize your work.
Do Your Research
It's important to find a niche market and research whether another podcast or many podcasts exist with the same theme. As for me, I know there are awards and lists for Under 30 or Under 40, but I’ve yet to see celebrations for authors who launched their first book over the age of 50. I wrote articles about the subject and realized I had yet to hear a podcast dedicated to authors who wrote their first book after the age of 50. It’s time to celebrate writers in what I call Life’s Sweetest Third.
So, I know my audience, and I know my interviewees. Knowing where your audience and authors hang out on the web is important so you know where to search and advertise your intentions.
Podcasting Setup
Buying equipment was not difficult. There are more options than you will ever need as a home office podcaster. My microphone, recorder, and podcast hosting were approximately $250. Being on a remote ranch in Texas is not always conducive to uninterrupted Wi-Fi, but if Elon Musk and I have anything to do with it, we’ll get that problem solved. Keeping the dogs from barking is another occupational hazard. Maybe that’s why some podcasters record in the clothing-insulated areas of their closets.
Understanding the Rules and Procedures
I always like partners in my pursuits, so I worked with a coach, Holly Shannon, to understand the rules and procedures of podcasting. She walked me through each step, from selecting equipment to uploading the first recording to a hosting site. Her book, Zero to Podcast, helps authors with a user-friendly guide. If you prefer to learn as you go without a coach and the expense involved, all you will need is Holly’s book. Her podcast is Culture Factor 2.0 and is worthy of adding to your podcast subscriptions.
Interviewing Authors
I’ve made a list of authors I would like to interview hoping they fall into my criteria, over 50 when their first book launched. And, I’ve already recorded several to batch and schedule when the podcast begins this month.
It can be a little nerve-wracking when you are in a remote location recording an interview and the internet begins to buffer, so you have to switch from computer to phone. Or, when an airplane zooms overhead or a dog barks and you have to edit the recording. But, the enjoyable part of being a podcaster is listening to inspiring stories from authors about their publishing journeys. Chatting with the same people whose books I have read or want to read is inspiring. I feel as though each one has been a guest in my home. And, I’m building a library of their works because I buy a copy of every book we discuss.
Final Thoughts and an Invitation
Of course, podcasting is not all rainbows and unicorns. I’m aware of the “pod fade” element which states that less than 20% of podcasts launched this year will make it until next year. It’s estimated that of the almost one million podcasts, a little over half are still active. Some burn out. Podcasting is work. You have to find guests or topics to speak about, write copy and make ads, upload bios and photos and create announcements for social media.
I’m brand new to the concept, so it will be interesting to see if my podcast will beat the odds. At the moment, I have found a component to writing and publishing that fits into my lifestyle.
So, if you have been considering a podcast, authors, why are you waiting? Join me on this adventure!
Authors Over 50 will be available everywhere you listen to podcasts on April 21, 2022. Authors who meet the criteria of being over the age of 50 when their first book is launched are invited to contact me for inclusion on a future podcast.
Please consider subscribing to Authors Over 50 at these links where you can hear the trailer of the podcast. You won’t want to miss celebrating these impressive authors who just happen to be over the age of 50.
Now is the Time for Every Author to have a Podcast
Free Advice Friday: Podcasts with Holly Shannon
Free Advice Friday with Keri Barnum and Holly Shannon December 3, 2021